Sunday, May 31, 2009


The Blastbeat webzine is back and on the attack. I've learned my lesson and this time i'm running it myself. Fucking grindcore for the win!!! To be updated regularly and will have a message board exclusively for listing shows (once it's set up). The loss of left a void that hasn't been filled yet, so hopefully i can provide a grindcore news site and board that isn't focused on Australia or full of Agathocles fanboys.

It will basically will have the same guidelines that Short Fast+Loud zine has. So like, if you play crust, thrashcore, fast hc, grindcore, powerviolence, or whatever, submit me news or link me to your label/band/distro/whatever site. It does cover other stuff, too, though, like harsh noise, power electronics, crusty black metal, sludge, etc...


Dennis from Black Dove/Paralyzer/Vile Gash/Nukkehammer/Dismal runs it.


Honest Abe
w/video from Bunk News

9 PM

$5 / All Ages

++Free Vegetarian Feast++

@ Bunk Spot
1818 John St. (Downtown/OTR)

HOLY SHIT, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!



...reading Kill Tomorrow, the blog that Shawn Abnoxious of the Neus Subjex Zine does, I don't know why you even bother to go on the intardnet in the first place. And I mean, what else are you gonna do, anyhow? Check for comments to your twitter???

The Untimely Death of Flyering

"Man, now how am I gonna find out about shows?!?? The Neus isn't around anymore!!!"

How many times have you heard that lately? Or thought it yourself? Well, you're not alone. A lot of people I run into have been saying that and I was, as well. But then I realized something.


With a few notable exceptions (i.e. Kaleb and Hank from Fucked for Life, Scott from Beneath Oblivion, Chris Lee at Dirty Jack's, and some others I can't think of at after 3am...), few people really flyer shows that well. And even less do it outside of Bogart's, Mad Hatter, or the Madison Theater. Part of the reason for this, I feel, is how heavily people in the area relied on the Neus Subjex Message Bored (RIP) for the past 10+ years to find out about shows. A laziness came over people, where there started to be an attitude of "Oh, I'll just post about it... and run a couple bulletins on Myspace... that should be good...". Now we the local music scene (outside of Cincypunk, Citybeat's music board, and maybe somewhere else) is in a position where if you want to find out about a local show, you need to still use your Myspace account or be friends with the right people on Facebook (where people still look at their invites...). This isn't good. Especially in a metropolitan area where so many people live 30+ minutes from the areas and stores that get flyered, rarely leave their neighborhoods to begin with, don't necessarily get Citybeat every week, and don't go to record stores weekly to find out what's going on.

So what's the solution to this?


Seriously, if you want something done around here in the local underground music scene, then you have to do it your fucking self. Don't rely on someone else to make a new Neus Subjex for you... get your ass out and flyer for shows. Make a shows listing site and keep up on it. And if at some point, there's more than one site doing that, what's to say that we only need one? Two can do the job better than one, some will submit to one and not the other, and if one goes out, the others are still there. Given how hostile the local culture is to anything to do with the arts (unless it's listed in Christian Happenings...), there is a definite need for a network of local outlets keeping people informed. Message boards, Myspace, Facebook, Citybeat, Cin Weekly (ugh), WAIF 88.3 FM radio shows (why don't more people submit shows listings to shows on there?), and the local rock shows on WEBN and whatever one of the 314507823409 adult alternative FM stations on there are vital to getting the word out on what happens in this city. If one of them were to go down one day (like the Neus has), we'd all be affected. So get off your ass and start flyering (especially in the 'burbs and between here and Dayton), make print zines, websites, blogs, podcasts, and what-the-fuck-ever. And don't stop doing it until you can't anymore.

NEUS SUBJEX RADIO - Functional Inconvenience #18

(Got this from the NSX myspace...)

Date: May 31, 2009 2:46 AM

Subject: Neus Subjex Radio...


Two guys drinking beer and whiskey on a Friday AM Playing music, talking overtop of it while watching a movie... This is F.I. and dont worry, everything wrong you hear is INTENTIONAL because its a BIG MESS IN THE MIDWEST!

Functional Inconvenience #18 May 22, 2009
“Quality Control is A Constant Uphill Struggle”

Featuring Music by (locals in CAPS):
Easy Action, Animals & Men, Zero Boys, Tom Verlaine, Frightened Rabbit, Wire,THE WOLVERTON BROTHERS, Middle Class, Shellac, KNIFE THE SYMPHONY, Death, The Weirdos, Billy Joe Royal, Crystal Stilts, Canned Heat, BURNING STAR CORE, DENNIS THE MENACE, Al Green, HELLNATION, Neil Young, Josef K, David Bowie, The Dudoos, Blue Cheer, THE SUNDRESSES, The Pretty Things, Daft Punk, SWEAR JAR, Ocean, FUXTER SCHITLLY, Ocean, and Comic Psychos.

Sometimes played more than once and rarely completely.

Film: the excellent action packed, arthouse smash, Daft Punk's Electroma. Featured what is believed to be a Maserati.

F.I. is hosted by Andy Brightone and Shawn Abnoxious and based out of a basement in Cincinnati (actual), Ohio (proper).

Thursday, May 28, 2009

If I update this pretty much daily... but with a lot of stuff... will you read it regularly?

Reply below if that is the case.

I just need to determine whether or not it's worth using this a lot, in a productive way, rather than making stupid message board posts all the time that are mainly read by people who, for the most part, don't know or care about me. You would get a lot of content (like, a LOT...), though... possibly more than you would be interested in reading. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, though, so it's up to you, the readers...

(Also reply if you know of any apartments/people looking for roommates in Northside for $350 or under, all utilities paid except for electricity.)

I'm gonna go get some sleep.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Late 70's / Early 80's Cincinnati Punk

Ed Davis Band ( American )

Ed Davis Band - Keith Richard’s Dead/Asshole (Mike Enright 1978)
The Ed Davis Band was the first punk band in Cincinnati, Ohio. This record, their only release, was recorded in 1978. I saw them at an art opening in 1979 — my only memory is that they they had a female guest vocalist that night, and […]

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Dennis The Menace ( American )

Dennis The Menace - Dennis The Menace (006026 1980)
Dennis The Menace was a short-lived punk band in Cincinnati, Ohio, circa 1979-1981. I believe this record is from 1980, but there is no date on the record — it could be 1981. There is no lyric sheet or information about the band with the record. I […]

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The Edge ( American )

The Edge - The Edge (Smear Records 1984)
Victor Garcia-Rivera was born in Cuba around the time Fidel Castro took power. His family fled Cuba in the early 1960’s and ended up settling in Cincinnati, Ohio. Victor founded The Edge in the early 1980’s. The Edge was a local favorite at the Jockey […]

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PLASMA ALLIANCE - “We Can’t Wait” ep (Depression Records) ‘85

From the ashes of Akron peace-punks ZERO DEFEX came PLASMA ALLIANCE, whose only ep “We Can’t Wait” came out on Michigan’s Depression label in 1985. Bleak cuts like ‘Fernault Must Halt’, about Cincinnati’s notorious Fernald chemical plant, or ‘Five Years Later’ which observes […]

( more )

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Registration for the Message Board No Longer Requires Authorization

You can get there from here (or the link to the upper right):

A few people have already registered, but I didn't approve them until just now (oops).

Friday, May 15, 2009


The interview you are looking for has been deleted per request.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kusoof (Bahrain/Kuwait Black Metal With Shoegaze, Post Rock, Psych, Doom, Drone, etc Influences)

Hailing from the Dilmun lands of Kuwait and Bahrain in the Middle East, Kusoof was founded in the year 2008 by Eridu after two tracks were recorded which remained nameless (as did the project). Soon Eridu contacted Learza from Bahrain to be apart of the band. Learza from Bahrain and Eridu from Kuwait have been collaborating for a while. The band records and composes by sending tracks back and forth to each other through the internet.

Discussing the next step of the project, Learza conjured the name through the music's atmosphere and suggested the name "Kusoof", which is the Arabic word for solar eclipse. A few weeks later Learza began recording the vocals and writing the lyrics and the two decided that their first 4-track demo would be entitled "Vile".


USBM, Norweigan black metal, French black metal, 60s and 70s psychedelic/progressive rock (as well as some contemporary bands inspired by that sound), shoegaze, post-rock, stoner doom, drone.

New Al-Namrood Album Being Worked On; Saudi Arabian Traditional Black Metal

They already completed their first full length and it's not even available everywhere yet! And now they're working on another one! Crazy guys...

Be sure to check out their first EP,
Atba'a AlNamrood. It came out in July of last year.

From their blog...


This is to inform you that we have started working on the second Album which is the third release of AlNamrood.

The estimated completion time will be announced later but, we can tell you it's someday in 2010. The LP will be released by Shaytan Productions.

The new album will take you back in history 2500 years to the age of the despotic glorified babylon Ruler "King Nebuchadnezzar" who reigned Babylon 605 - 562 BC but also took over the whole earth.

Musically the album will have more oriental touches than before, more evil and melancholic atmosphere.

As a beginning we have uploaded a track for you (Arousal At Nebuchadnezzar Fortress) to give an introduction about the upcoming Album.